Magasin's Partner Code of Conduct
- This Code of Conduct is applicable to all Partners associated with Magasin.
- Magasin strives for a responsible business practice, working with respect for the environment, people and our planet.
- Magasin wants to engage with reputable Partners, to ensure that when our consumers purchase items from Magasin, they can be certain that they are produced under acceptable conditions. "Acceptable conditions" means legally, through fair and honest treatment, without exploiting the employees who produce the products, which must always be produced on decent terms and with regard to the environment.
- Magasin expects Partners to understand and take responsibility for implementing the Code of Conduct through partners' own supply chains and business operations.
- If the Partner is unable or unwilling to comply with this Code, Magasin considers it necessary to terminate the cooperation between the parties.
- The Code is a statement of the minimum requirements, which must be met in order to trade with Magasin.
- The standards of the Code of Conduct are based on internationally agreed conventions, including but not limited to: the International Bill of Human Rights, the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) Declaration of the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct, the UN Convention Against Corruption, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and the UN Global Compact’s 10 Principles.
- All Partners are expected to comply with national legislation, regulations, and applicable practices and industry standards as relevant to their business.
- The Partner guarantees that no forced, bonded or involuntary work is used in the production of the goods/service.
- The Partner guarantees that all goods are produced in a safe and hygienic working environment, taking into account the prevailing knowledge of the industry and of specific risks.
- The partner must ensure that the safety of the workers is a priority at all times, which includes building safety of the working environment as well as the worker's accommodation where relevant.
- The Partner guarantees that no child labor is used in the production of the goods.
- The Partner guarantees that only producers, who pay a fair wage to all employees are used. Wages and benefits paid for a standard working week, within the legal working hours limit, must meet minimum national or industry benchmark standards, whichever is higher.
- Magasin prohibits and has zero tolerance for all forms of modern slavery through our organization, operations and supply chains. The term modern slavery is used to encapsulate slavery, child labor, forced labor and human trafficking.
- No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed. Physical punishment or violence, the threat of physical violence, sexual or other harassment and verbal violence or other forms of intimidation are prohibited.
- The Partner is obliged to contact Magasin without undue delay if the Partner becomes aware of or has reason to suspect that there is some form of human rights violation in the Partner's supply chain.
- Workers, without distinction, have the right to join or form trade unions of their own choosing and to bargain collectively.
- The employer adopts an open attitude towards the activities of trade unions and their organizational activities.
- Workers representatives are not discriminated against and have access to carry out their representative functions in the workplace.
- Suppliers must have confidential procedures which allow worker representation for any issue concerning the labor standards referred to in the Code and which will enable protection for all workers and participation by workers who may be vulnerable, such as women and adolescents.
- Where the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining is restricted under law, the employer facilitates, and does not hinder, the development of parallel means for independent and free association and bargaining.
- Magasin is fully committed to conducting its business affairs as to ensure that it does not engage in or facilitate any form of bribery or corruption. It is Magasin’s policy to prohibit all forms of corruption involving our employees, Partners, agents, and any associated parties acting on our behalf to anyone, anywhere in the world, regardless of the market practice within each territory. It is the responsibility of all Partners to prevent and report any corruption in any form.
- Magasin expects all Partners to always be transparent. All Partners should be able to provide detailed information on where the products are produced and under what conditions, to relevant authoritie
- Partners are expected to ensure that materials used in the products derive from animals that have been treated according to all applicable regulations, conventions, and standards. The animals must be fed and treated with dignity and respect. No animal must deliberately be harmed nor exposed to pain in their lifespan.
- Taking the lives of animals must always be conducted using the quickest and the least painful and non-traumatic method available, and approved by national and acknowledged veterinarians, and only conducted by trained personnel.
- Leather: All leather used must not be obtained from live animals. It must be sourced from animals that are treated humanely during their rearing, transportation, lairage handling and slaughter as a by-product of the food industry.
- Animal fur: All Partners will observe the Magasin fur policy. Magasin only allows products containing animal fur if the fur is a by-product of the food industry. Notwithstanding the above, Magasin will not permit the sale of mink, seal, fox, raccoon or rabbit fur, nor Angora rabbit wool. If any product to be sold under the Agreement contains fur, the Partner shall notify Magasin to such effect in advance and provide documentation of the origin of the fur, including documentation that the fur was produced in accordance with applicable international rules. Fake fur must be used and be labelled as faux fur.
- Endangered species: We do not permit the use of any animal skins specified in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species or those which appear on the Convention on International trade in Endangered Species list (CITES)
- Feathers: Live Plucking and force-feeding of geese and ducks is prohibited and not allowed under any circumstance.
- In collaboration with our Partners, Magasin wants to continuously adapt to a more responsible and sustainable production, so that together we can enhance social and environmental development.
- The Partner must handle all the waste they produce in accordance with local law or in such a way that environmental damage is avoided and the local population is not harmed.
- The Partner is required to comply with European REACH legislation. The rules cover the use of chemical substances, both in purely chemical products and in chemicals that occur in finished products.
- In order to ensure compliance with the regulatory framework, it is crucial that each of Magasin’s Partners establish a database of relevant information and that it is updated at all times, with relevant information about the goods and packaging delivered to Magasin.
- Article 33 of the REACH legislation includes the requirement of Suppliers of an article or packaging materials containing a substance that appear on the Candidate list, to inform the recipient. If articles or packaging contain concentrations above 0.1%, the Partner is obliged - at the latest in connection with the delivery to Magasin, of the product concerned - to attach information to Magasin with details on substance, quantity, and instructions for safe handling of the product / packaging. In addition, Article 33 requires that Magasin, at the request of a consumer, must state whether a given product / packaging contains substances from the candidate list.
- If Magasin make an inquiry to the Partner, on behalf of a consumer, the Partner must submit relevant data immediately and within 10 days after the request is received from Magasin. If the 10-day deadline is not complied with, Magasin reserves the right to have the products tested at the Partners expense.
- The Candidate list is dynamic and constantly changing and it is the Partners responsibility to keep up to date with the list. The official list can be found on ECHA’s website: Cadidate List.
Please complete and update this form with information on use of SVHC substances in your products and packaging materials and return to Magasin on request
Please tick the box to confirm if any Substances of Very High Concern are in any finished products or packaging materials delivered to Magasin.
No [ ]
Yes [ ] If yes, please complete by product type in the table below.
I have read and fully understand Magasins requirements and the REACH Regulations and will ensure they are adhered to. I will provide with required information on request.
Supplier Name: ______________________________________________________
Director Name: ______________________________________________________
Director Signature: ___________________________________________________
Please ensure that all parts of this form are fully completed at all times.
We look forward to our cooperation